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Our Boxes

Although our boxes are catered to each customer's needs, Paprika guarantees a set of basic items needed to enjoy a delicious meal. Our basic box contains one meal kit with two servings, instructions, and an origin card. 

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Fresh Ingredients

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To ensure authentic and fresh ingredients, Paprika partners with local small businesses and farms. Depending on the customer's choice, we ship pre-portioned ingredients or easy-to-heat prepped meals. 

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Prepped Meals

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Recipe & Instructions

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Paprika provides an easy-to-understand step-by-step instruction guide on how to prepare a meal. For visual learners, we will provide a QR code link to a YouTube channel to guide customers as they prepare their meals. 

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Origin Card

As Paprika strives to spread traditions and cultures, we provide a detailed card on the country and cuisine of the given week.

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Thank You Card

Paprika will provide a thank you card with each box as we value every customer.






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